Andres Palomo
Reactivity of Protein Cysteines with Fluorescent Glutathione. Advisor: Lisa Landino
Elizabeth Childress
Fluorescence Sensing of Mercury by Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles. Advisor: Elizabeth Harbron
Will Czaplyski
Synthesis and Fluorescence Studies of pH-Responsive Rhodamine B Derivatives. Advisor: Elizabeth Harbron
Alana Ogata and Natalie Wong
Using Single Molecule Fluorescence to Study Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. Advisor: Kristin Wustholz
David Hill
Design and Synthesis of Novel Hydrogen-Rich Polyimides for Radiation Shielding. Advisor: Robert Orwoll
Kevin Kaurich
Synthesis of a Silver-Doped Polyimide. Advisor: Robert Orwoll
Geoffrey Geberth
Novel Polymers for NASA. Advisor: Richard Kiefer
Ingrid Mielke-Maday, Ryan Shintani, Charles Blevins, Aidan De Sena, Jaeton Glover, John-Andrew Hocker, Greg Ginsburg, Andrew Morris, Min Seo, Erin Hills, Yvonne Mack, Anne Rhudy, and Natalie Hudson-Smith
Hydrolysis of Polyamide 11 as Related to Humidity. Advisor: David Kranbuehl
Charlotte Platner and Sophia Dudte
Gas-Phase fragmentation and H/D exchange behavior of tripeptides containing lysine homologs. Advisor: John Poutsma
Charles Wang
Characterizations of Copper(I) Iodide-Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Oxygen Heterocyclic Ligand Complexes. Advisor: Robert Pike
Lori Piasecki, Priya Vyas, and Corbin Muetterties (not in picture)
Gas-Phase Acidities and Proton Affinities of Homoserine and Homocysteine from the Extended Kinetic Method. Advisor: J.C. Poutsma
Lars Dunaway
Luminescent detection of volatile nitrogen and sulfur compounds on CuI surfaces. Advisor: Robert Pike
Amy Green, Hannah Naughton, and Zachariah Nealy
Prodan derivatives as chemosensors of solvent acidity. Advisor: Chris Abelt
Matt Van Dongen and Christopher Komatsu (not in picture)
Comparative Magnetic Behavior of Some Nickel Halide Monohydrates and Monodeuterates. Advisor: Gary DeFotis
Ting Zhang
Comparison of Tenax-coated Fibers for Solid-phase Microextraction. Advisor: Gary Rice
Alex Chinn and Kaila Margery
Diels Alder Cyclizations of 2,5 - Diketopiperazine Dienes. Advisor: Jonathan Scheerer
John Lovette
Evaluation of Microconcentrators for MEMS Based Chromatography Systems. Advisor: Gary Rice