In its Honors Program, the Philosophy Department awards one level of Honors to student research projects. Prior to 2021, a student could recieve Honors, High Honors, or Highest Honors. The projects listed below have been defended successfully, and a copy of the thesis deposited in Swem Library.
- Student, "Thesis" (Honors level)
Committee Chair + Other Committee Members
- Luke Erdahl, "'Poverty of Particularity:' Reconciling Divine Transcendence and Imminence Using Gregory Palamas' Essence-Energies Distinction" (High Honors)
Aaron Griffith + Kevin Vose, Noah Lemos - Elisabeth Holmes, "Euthyphro, Non-Conditional Valuing, and the Possibility for Evaluative Error: A Humean Approach to Animal Ethics" (Honors)
Christopher Freiman + Joshua Gert, Caitlin Brown
- Nathaniel Anderson, "Egoism and the Repugnant Conclusion" (High Honors)
Philip Swenson + Committee: Noah Lemos, Molly Swetnam-Burland - Riley Covert, "Ghosts of the Anthropocene" (Honors)
Aaron Griffith + Philip Swenson, Adela Amaral - Bryce Herndon, "On the Divergence of Schopenhauerian and Schweitzerian Ethics-of-Will"
Timothy M. Costelloe + Aaron M. Griffith, Robert S. Leventhal - Qiuyang Shen, "The Methodological Puzzle of Phenomenal Consciousness: What it is, and Why it is Still Unsolved"
Matthew Haug + Joshua Gert, Paul Kieffaber - Taro Shirakawa, "Individual Responsibility for Structural Injustice" (High Honors)
Victoria Costa + Noah Lemos, Amy Quark - William Siegmund, "Difference without Deference: An Individualistic Theory of Group Accommodation" (Highest Honors)
Christopher Freiman + M. Victoria Costa, Rebekah Sterling
- Yuanchen Lu, "Perceptual Experiences Cannot Be an Inference’s Conclusion" (Honors)
Christopher Tucker + Joshua Gert, Noah Lemos, Nathaniel Throckmorton - Yonghao Wang, "Towards an Interactionist Dualism" (High Honors)
Matthew Haug + Joshua Gert, Robert Leventhal - Hannah Winckler-Olick, "Citizenship and Partiality: Group Membership and the Bounds of Morality" (High Honors)
Christopher Tucker + Christopher Freiman, Joel Schwartz
- Kristen Ekstrom, "Dignity and Self-Respect" (High Honors)
Christopher Freiman + Aaron Griffith, Christopher Ball
- Hunter Gentry, "A Threefold Defense of Perceptual Dogmatism" (Honors)
Christopher Tucker + Noah Lemos, Matthew Hilimire
- Samantha Kim, "A Defense of Retributivism as a Theory of Punishment" (Honors)
Christopher Freiman + Victoria Costa, Christine Nemacheck
- Cody Turner, "The Combination Problem: Russellian Monism, Panpsychism, and Panqualityism" (Highest Honors)
Christopher Tucker + Kate Harrigan, Paul Davis
- Delaney Berman, "On Animal Rights, Speciesism, and the Nature of Social Change" (High Honors)
Christopher Freiman + Joshua Gert, Melvin Ely - Connor Dantzler, "A Psychological Approach to the Special Composition Question (Honors)
Chad Vance + Jonah Goldwater, Christopher Ball - Jackson Eskay, "Addressing the Problems in American Drug Policy: A Case for the Legalization of Drugs" (Honors)
Victoria Costa + Christopher Freiman, Tracy Sohoni - George Rudebusch, "Political Liberalism and a Theory of Justice: Recasting Justice as Fairness as a Political Conception of Liberal Justice" (Highest Honors)
Christopher Freiman + Victoria Costa, Julie Agnew
- Jose Lopez, Jr., "A Battle for Rights Justification: Millian Utilitarianism vs. Scanlonian Contractualism" (Honors)
Christopher Freiman + Timothy Costelloe and Ross Carroll
- No Honors students this year
- Grace Mendenhall, "Mozi: the Man, the Consequentialist, and the Utilitarian" (Honors)
Christopher Freiman + Maria Costa, Timothy Costelloe, Kevin Vose
- Dustin Crummett, "Approaching the Problem of Evil" (Highest Honors)
Laura Ekstrom + Adam Potkay, Neal Tognazzini - Adam Lerner, "Rehabilitating the Consequentialist View of Moral Responsibility" (Highest Honors)
Matthew Haug + Lee Kirkpatrick, Neal Tognazzini
- Devin Curry, "All Heads Gently Nodding: How Naturalism Dissolves the Problem of Other Minds" (High Honors)
Paul Davies + Alan Goldman, Matt Haug, Chris Ball - Carolyn Fisher, "
Remas (k)ulating the American Man: Fear and Masculinity in the Post-9/11 American Superhero Film" (Honors)
Colleen Kennedy + Fred Corney, Arthur Knight
- Daniel Homer, "Clarifying Intuitions about Moral Responsibility and the Self" (Highest Honors)
Matthew Haug + Neal Tognazzini, Michael Green
- Sean Dalby, "Turning the Fly Around: The Relationship between Wittgenstein's Discussion of Meaning and the Self: An Exegesis and Defense" (High Honors)
Matthew Haug + Jim Harris, Rob Leventhal
- Devin DeBacker, "Harmful Offense to Others: A New Liberty-Limiting Principle and the 'New' Child Pornography" (Honors)
Tim Costelloe + Alan Fuchs, Michael Green - Samuel Thacker, "Ressentiment and Nietzsche's Determinism" (High Honors)
Tim Costelloe + Laura Ekstrom, Rob Leventhal
- Stephen Chanderbhan, "An Analysis of Theistic Replies to the Evidential Problems of Evil" (Honors)
Laura Ekstrom + Jim Harris, John Drew - Andrew Schwarm, "Choice Criterion of Value and the Liberty Principle" (High Honors)
Alan Fuchs + Noah Lemos, Joel Schwartz
- Andrew Penman, "The Austere Reading of the Tractatus: a Critique" (Highest Honors)
Maximilian DeGaynesford + Gideon Manning, Rob Leventhal - Jason Swartwood, "Pain and Peace in Wittgenstein: John McDowell on the 'Private Language Argument'" (Highest Honors)
Maximilian DeGaynesford + Gideon Manning, Talbot Taylor
- Michelle Saint-Payne
James Harris + Maximilian de Gaynesford, Josh Erlich, Marc Sher