In its Honors Program the Government Department awards one level of Honors to student research projects. The projects listed below have been defended successfully, and a copy of the thesis deposited in Swem Library.
- Student, "Thesis" (Honors level)
Committee Chair + Other Committee Members
- Henry Blackburn, "Up Close and Personal: Ritual, Social Criticism, and the Russell Tribunal" (Honors)
John Lombardini + Joel Schwartz, Christopher Freiman - Clare DaBaldo, "Who's in Charge Here? How Motivations Shape Instances of CEO Activism" (Honors)
Marcus Holmes + Caitlin Brown, Bob Williams - William Moore, "What Europe Learns About Itself: Political Differences and their Effects on Citizenship Education about the European Union in England, Scotland and Nordrhein-Westfalen" (Honors)
Clay Clemens + Paul Manna, Mark Greer - Nicholas Ovideo-Torres, "White Liberalism: Jordan Peele Reads Harper Lee" (Honors)
Simon Stow + Jaime Settle, John Riofrio - Campbell Scheuerman, "Measuring Anti-Vaxx Sentiment on Social Media" (Honors)
Maurits van der Veen + Clare McKinney, Dan Runfola - Grace Shamlian, (Honors)
Larry Evans + Clare McKinney, Thomas Linneman
- Emily Earls, "Everyone is Pro-life: The Historical and Cultural Influences on Elite Discourse of Abortion in Argentina"
Claire McKinney + Chris Howard, Silvia Tandeciarz - Christopher Gundermann, "Sometimes Enemies, Sometimes Friends" (High Honors)
S.P. Harish + Lenneal Henderson, Rui Pereira - Ammon Harteis, "Who Does The Dying?: 'Martial Races' and War Time Unit Deployment in the Indian Army"
Philip Roessler + S.P. Harish, Robert Vinson - Daniel Herrera, "Political Motivations in Government Debt Issuance: Evidence from Mexico" (Honors)
Daniel Maliniak + Eric Arias, Alfredo Pereira - Luke Hogg, "The Rust on Gideon’s Trumpet: A Theoretical Diagnostic of Public Defense in America"
John Lombardini + Jackson Sasser, Adam Gershowitz - Deborah Kornblut, "When Science Isn’t Enough: The Importance of a New Social Contract for Conservation Communication" (Honors)
Daniel Maliniak + SP Harish, Dorothy Ibes - Grace Murray, "Comparing the Behavior of Indigenous Tribes, States, and Foreign Sovereigns as Submitters of Amicus Curiae within the Supreme Court" (Honors)
Jamie Settle + Christine Nemacheck, Alexandra Joosse - Alexander Nocks, "Small Town Justice in the Twenty-First Century: Opportunities and Challenges for Mayor’s Courts in Ohio"
Jackson Sasser + Christine Nemacheck, Ingo Keilitz - Carson Whitehurst, "'Full of Internal Contradictions': A Neutral Case for the Invalidation of the Death Penalty" (Honors)
Jackson Sasser + Christine Nemacheck, Adam Gershowitz - Wesley Garner, "The Art of Repression: Digital Dissent and Power Consolidation in El-Sisi’s Egypt" (Honors)
Caitlin Brown + Philip Roessler, Stephen Shellman - Blake Phillips, "Supreme Court Opinion Authorship Attribution on a Case-by-Case Basis"
Maurits van der Veen + Christine Nemacheck, Daniel Parker
- Dara Bright, "Standing At A Crossroad: An Examination of Societal Expectations on the Attitudes of African American Men & Women towards Academic Achievement at a PWI and a HBCU" (Honors)
Claire McKinney + Lenneal Henderson, Joanna Schug - Hannah Gourdie, "Accessing the Right to Choose: Factors Predicting the Enactment of State-Level Abortion Clinic Access Laws" (Honors)
Christine Nemacheck + Jackson Sasser, Claire McKinney - Michelle Hermes, "Breaking the Stereotype: Age and Public Opinion Towards Refugees in Germany" (Honors)
Jaime Settle + Clayton Clemens, Jennifer Gully - Devon Wolfe, "J.S. Mill the Democrat: Connecting Mill, Athens, and Election Reform" (Honors)
John Lombardini + Rebekah Sterling, Elizabeth Radcliffe
- Eudora Arthur, "The Degradation of an American Ideal: How Facebook News Integration Affects Civil Liberty Importance" (Honors)
Daniel Doherty + Jamie Settle, Jeanne Wilson
- Courtney Blackington, "Hooligans or Saboteurs? Democratic Backtracking in Eastern Europe" (Honors)
Paula Pickering + Clayton Clemens, Laurie Koloski
- Halia Czosnek, "Responding to International Health Emergencies: Comparing the World Health Organization Response to Ebola and Zika" (Honors)
Susan Peterson + Michael Tierney, Alison Scott - Joseph Malanson, "The Christian Right and Israel: A Love Story?" (Honors)
Chris Howard + John McGlennon, Annie Blazer - Emily Wasek, "A Woman’s Place in the State House: Exploring Backlash Effects of Women’s Increased Descriptive Representation" (Honors)
Jamie Settle + John McGlennon, Leisa Meyer
- Gray Decker, "The Effect of Austerity, Urban-Rural Divide and Clientelism on Euroscepticism" (Honors)
John McGlennon + Maurits van der Veen, Clay Clemens, Bruce Campbell
- Emily Draper, "Yes-Women: Gender and Agreement in Online Political Discussion" (Honors)
Jaime Settle + Leisa Meyer, Maurits van der Veen
- Michael Hamilton, "Imposing Change: Analyzing Lustration Policies in Post-War Iraq and Germany" (Honors)
Sue Peterson + Paula Pickering, Michael Butler
Duenya Hassan, "Lurking Online: Countering Extremist Narratives in Unfamiliar Territory" (Honors)
Amy Oakes + Jaime Settle, Stephen Sheehi- Minu Nagashunmugam, "Not All Politicians are the Same: The Effects of Gender and Political Party on Candidate Evaluation" (Honors)
Cheryl Dickter + Meghan Sinton-Miller, Jaime Settle - Alexandra Phillips, "Margaret Thatcher, Dilma Rousseff, & Angela Merkel: The Impact of Female World Leaders through Collaborative Negotiation" (Honors)
Marcus Holmes + Amy Oakes, Victoria Castillo
- John Stuart, "Disgust: An Emotional Component of Conservative Attitudes toward Transgender Individuals" (Honors)
Jaime Settle + Paul Manna, Matthew Hilimire
- Hallie Westlund, "Equitable Distribution of Microfinance: How Language, Ethnicity, and Religion Affect Access to Microcredit Loans" (Honors)
Maurits van der Veen + Till Schreiber, Amy Quark
- Jimmy Zhang, "A Few Good Men: A Quantitative Analysis of High-Level People's Liberation Army (PLA) Promotion Patterns under Xi Jinping" (Honors)
Tun-Jen Cheng + Paul Manna, Hiroshi Kitamura
- Arvin Alaigh, "Examining the Role of Cultural Paradigm Shift on Originalist Interpretation: Implications
on the Second Amendment" (Honors) Joel Schwartz + Jackson Sasser, Chinua Thelwell - Stephen D'Alessio, "Patterns of Controversy: The Factors that Influence the Passage of Voter Identification Laws" (Honors) John McGlennon + Richard Lowry, Ronald Rapoport
- Samuel Dunham, "From Activism to Annoyance: Framing, Threat, and Public Tolerance toward Protest" (Honors) Jaime Settle + Ronald Rapoport, Dennis Manos
- Tanner Russo, "Reasonable Expectations: State Appellate Courts and the Third-Party Doctrine" (Honors) Christine Nemacheck + Jackson N. Sasser, Jr., Adam Gershowitz
- Jake Douglas, "Commitment Without Control: The Burdensharing Dilemma in the US-Japan Alliance" (Honors)
Tun-Jen Cheng + Sophia Hart, Hiroshi Kitamura - Taylor Feenstra, "Political Chameleons: An Exploration of Personality and Political Conformity" (Honors)
Jaime Settle + Christine Nemacheck, Cheryl Dickter - Maryam Kanna, "Emirati Foreign Aid: Overview and Foreign Policy Implications" (Honors)
Debra Shushan + Chris Howard, Till Schreiber - Keenan Kelley, "Fixing Failing Schools: How States and Localities Implement Federal Reforms" (Honors)
Paul Manna + Jaime Settle, Peter McHenry - Rachel Lienesch, "Partisan-Colored Glasses? How Polarization Has Affected the Formulation and Impact of Party Competence Evaluations" (Honors)
Lawrence Evans + Ron Rapoport, Amy Quark - Molly Michie, "Parents and Preschool Decisions: How Networks, Research, and Priorities Affect Program Quality" (Honors)
Christ Howard + Paul Manna, Jamel Donnor - Ben Reynolds, "The Birth of the School: Mass Education and the Making of Industrial Man" (Honors)
John Lombardini + Rebekah Sterling, Jacqueline Rodriguez - Margaret Schwenzfeier, "When Social Pressure Fails: Evidence from Two Direct Mail Field Experiments" (Honors)
Jaime Settle + Ronald Rapoport, Julie Agnew - William Smith, "The Impact of Solar Lights on the Individual Welfare and Fishing Productivity of Liberian Fishermen" (Honors)
Philip Roessler + Paul Manna, Mary Fabrizio - Taylor Stephens, "Reconciled Liberalism as a Mechanism for Foreign Aid Evaluation" (Honors)
Joel Schwartz + Michael Tierney, Chris Adkins - Ryan R. Warsing, "To Polish or Demolish? The Resurgence and Reimagining of America Rail" (Honors)
John McGlennon + Christopher Howard, Matthew Allar
- Kathryn Beaver, "
United States Foreign Policy and Multilateral Institutional Effectiveness" (Honors)
Michael Tierney + Katherine Rahman, David Corlett - Andrew Engelhardt, "Disadvantage and Self-Interest: Social Class and Policy Preferences" (Honors)
Ronald Rapoport + Jaime Settle, Caroline Hanley - Andrew Follett, "The Wrong Right Stuff: Why NASA Consistently Fails at Congress" (Honors)
John Gilmour + Sophia Hart, Rowan Lockwood - Mason Rayner, "John Locke and the Creation of Liberal Subjects" (Honors)
John Baltes + John Lombardini, Elizabeth Radcliffe - Gregory Yellen, "Friend or Foe? Interest Distance Theory & U.S. Responses to Postwar Challengers"
Amy Oakes + Dennis Smith, Chitralekha Zutshi
- Devin Braun, "Why Trust Really Matters: How Americans' Declining Trust in Government May Be Altering the Ideological Landscape" (Honors)
Ronald Rapoport + Donald Campbell, Paul Manna, Simon Stow - Christopher D'Alessio, "Debt Ceiling Politics" (Honors)
C. Lawrence Evans + John Gilmour, Paul Mapp - Chelsea Olivia German, "Legal Systems and Competing Notions of Justice: Explaining Variance in Religious and Nonreligious Philosophical Exemptions Across Western Democracies" (Honors)
Clay Clemens + James Dwyer, Christine Nemacheck
- William Corkery III, "Newt Gingrich and GOPAC: Training the Farm Team that helped win the Republican Revolution of 1994" (Honors)
John Gilmour + Ronald Rapoport, Bob Archibald - Justine de Benedictis-Kessner, "The Tea Party in Amerian Politics" (Honors)
Ronald Rapoport + Christine Nemacheck, Cheryl Dickter - Chelsea Estancona, "Facilitating Conflict: The effect of Non-state Material Aid to Insurgencies" (Honors)
Amy Oakes + Dennis Smith,Reginia Root - Jie Hou, "U.S.-China Bilateral Relations from 1989 to 2010: As a Consequence of Economic Changes" (Honors)
Sophia Hart + David Dessler, Hiroshi Kitamura - Alexa McClanahan, "Gender and Health Care Reform: The Power of Party and Perspective" (Honors)
Larry Evans + John McGlennon, Nancy Gray - Brandon Pizzola, "The Political Economy of the Vanishing Marginals: Tiebout Sorting and the American Political System" (Honors)
Larry Evans +John McGlennon, Rob Hicks - Michael Sardo, "Mr. Socrates Goes to Washington: The Care of the Self and the Cultivation of Citizenship in Late-Modernity" (Honors)
John Baltes + John Lombardini, Christopher Freiman
- Maura Bardos, "Who Receives Aid from Faith-Based NGOs? An Analysis of
Country Level Aid Commitments" (Honors)
Ronald Rapoport + Tanujit Dey, Paula Pickering
- Omar Farid, "Examining Compliance Rates of European Union Member States" (Honors)
Clay Clemens + Tobias Hofmann, Carl Strikwerda - Kathryn Thomson, "The Crux of the Matter: the Intersection of Deliberative Traditions in the Wren Cross Controversy" (Honors)
Joel Schwartz + PJ Brendese, Charles McGovern
- Allison Anoll, "Creating Citizens: Civics Education, Civic Socialization and Engagement Patterns" (Honors)
Paul Manna + Joel Schwartz, Jeremy Stoddard
- Daniel Byler, "Online Social Networks and Their Relationship to Social Capital and Political Attitudes" (Honors)
Ron Rapoport+ Joel Schwartz, Bob Archibald - Alexander Ely, "David vs. Goliath: Offense-Defense Theory and Asymmetric Wars" (Honors)
Amy Oakes + Dennis Smith, Chris Westberg - Deborah Klonsko, "Recognizing Secession: The Influence of Politics on Statehood" (Honors)
Paula Pickering + Amy Oakes, James Frusetta
- Patrick Doherty
Clay Clemens (Fall 2008) - Lauren Garrett, "Deconstructing the Gender Card: An Examination of Femininity Performance in US Elections" (Honors)
Stacey Pelika + Chris Howard, Jenny Putzi - Robert Landicho, "Can Foreign Aid Give an Incentive for Good Governance? The Case of the Millennium Challenge Corporation in Jordan" (Honors)
Michael Tierney + Rani Mullen, Mark Smith - Ryan Powers, "A New Measure of Environmental Lending: Measuring and Explaining Environmental Mainstreaming at the World Bank" (Honors)
Mike Tierney and Maria Ivanova + Timmons Roberts, Rob Hicks - Ryan Scott, "The Nexus of Business & Politics: The Case of Same-Sex Partner Benefits" (Honors)
Ronald Sims (Mason School of Business) + John McGlennon, Stacey Pelika - Joshua Turner, "Religion and the Political Sphere: The Limitations of Public Reason" (Honors)
Joel Schwartz + John Baltes, Alan Meese
- Grant Gonzalez, "Competing Conceptions of State: The Government and the Egyptian Islamist Movements - 1975-1997" (High Honors)
Rani Mullen + Peter Bechtold, Tamara Sonn - Darby Hull, "Shifting Federalism: Latino Immigrants & Medicaid" (Honors)
Chris Howard + John McGlennon, Salvatore Saporito - Benjamin Malloy, "The Birth of Comedy: A Comparison of the Role of the Dionysian Perspective, the Comic Attic, and Masking as a Forum of Critiquing Democratic Institutions" (Honors)
Simon Stow + P.J. Brendese, Tim Costelloe - Ryan Marion, "Gangs vs. the Globe: Legal Conceptualization and its Effects on Fighting Transnational Organized Crime" (Honors)
Katherine Rahman + Mike Tierney, George Harris - Meghan McCarthy, "One Goal, Multiple Efforts: Donor Coordination in Ghana and Nigeria's Primary Education Sectors" (High Honors)
Rani Mullen + Ngoni Munemo, Berhanu Abegaz - Mary Moll, "Strategies of Inoculation: Issue Ownership and Entrepreneurial Behavior in Congress" (Honors)
Larry Evans + Paul Manna, Christopher Ball - Amanda Norris, "Explaining the Electoral Stability of the Front National and the Electoral Instability of the Austrian Freedom Party" (Honors)
Clay Clemens + Rani Mullen, Michael LeRuth - Brandon Stewart, "'On the Other Side of Silence': The Study of Tragedy in International Relations" (Highest Honors)
Simon Stow + P.J. Brendese, Kristi Burns - Jennifer Sykes, "Who Wins? And Why?: A Quantitative Test of Hypotheses about Organized Interests" (High Honors)
Larry Evans + Chris Howard, Carl Moody
- Marion Harris, "Media and Framing Effects on the EU Constitutional Treaty Referendum in France" (Honors)
Clay Clemens + Chris Howard, Michael Leruth - Dan Maliniak, "Chinese Exchange Rate Determination: Or How I Stopped Worrying and Love the Renminbi" (Highest Honors)
T.J. Cheng + Michael Tierney, David Dessler, Arnab Basu - Rebecca Milfeld, "The Perpetuation of Segregation in America's Subsidized Housing" (Honors)
Chris Howard + Paul Manna, Mel Ely - Laura Mirengoff, "The Rehnquist Court's 'Federalism Revolution'" (Honors)
Christine Nemacheck + Paul Manna, Hiroshi Kitamura - Adam Smith, "Red Over Europe: Democratic Consolidation and Hard Left Communist Successor Parties" (Honors)
Paula Pickering + Clay Clemens, Tuska Benes - Brendan Williams
Emile Lester + Joel Schwartz, David Jaeger
- Patience Bosley-Burke
John McGlennon + Paul Manna, Dennis Taylor - Sarah Brown
Larry Evans + Ron Rapoport, Jenny Kehl, Clyde Haulman - Christina Carroll
Emile Lester + Chris Nemacheck, Melvin Ely - Amy
Chris Howard + Paul Manna, Jennifer Bickham-Mendez - Thomas Gates
Emile Lester, Chris Nemacheck, Paul Mapp Kimberely Grubb
Jenny Kehl + Clay Clemens, Ismail Abdalla- Mary Hallerman
John McGlennon + Ron Rapoport, Tom Linneman - Justin Kliger
Clay Clemens + Ron Rapoport, Harvey Langholtz - Julie Podlesni-
Christopher Howard + John Gilmour, Greg Capelli - Cara Passaro
Clay Clemens + Paula Pickering, LuAnn Homza - Daniel Queen
Mike Tierney + Katherine Rahman, Rob Hicks - Matthew Young
Clay Clemens + Paula Pickering, Harvey Langholtz