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2013-14 News Stories

Liz Allison May 2014
The End of an Era…

Biology Chair Liz Allison Set to Step Down After Five Years of Service

Biology Department Graduation - 2014
Ring the Wren Bell!

2014 Graduates Celebrate the End of an Era…and the Start of Something New

W&M Commencement a family tradition for the Bensons

On Sunday, Jess Benson '14 will complete the family tradition, graduating with the rest of the Class of 2014 while her family members – who all stood in her place once – cheer her on.

The Missing BIrds

Mercury takes a toll on the population of songbirds, even at sublethal doses.

Great Horned Owls
Ornithology Class Shares Extraordinary Photos

These images are just a tiny fraction of the photos the students have taken this semester. As Dr. Cristol notes, “It's truly amazing what these new cameras can do, even in cold, inexperienced hands!”

Patty Zwollo
Plumeri Award Winner: Patty Zwollo

Dr. Zwollo’s recent discoveries about immune systems and homing behavior by salmon should improve sustainable aquaculture in Alaska.

Ghazi catches bird
Biology Students at Grad Research Symposium

The 13th annual installment of the Graduate Research Symposium will be held this Friday and Saturday 21/22 March in the Sadler Center. For a third year in a row, the Strikwerda award was won by a Biology student.

Deer at Keck Lab
Deer Browsing Draws Herd of Biologists

Overgrazing in the College Woods is dramatic, as nearly every green thing lower than 6 feet off the ground has been eaten.

Amy Upperman W&M ’13 Thumbnail
2013 Research in Review: Student-Faculty Publications

Research articles from 2013 are being published in 41 different journals ranging from A (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology) to Z (Zoology), and on subjects that span the diverse spectrum of research in biology at the College of William and Mary.

Three labs, two majors, one Gates Cambridge Scholarship

Ashley Fidler was just named a recipient of a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, one of 40 awarded in the United States. The Gates Scholarship will allow her to pursue an MPhil degree at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom.

Mark Forsyth
Plumeri Award Winner: Mark Forsyth

The Plumeri Award acknowledges those faculty exhibiting passion, vision, and leadership in their teaching, research and service to the College. Mark is all that, and then some!

Blue herons are nesting among the bald eagles, but why?

In February, the great blue herons of the Chesapeake Bay region will begin their nest building or repair chores and their mating rituals—perhaps in a tree they've been sharing with bald eagles.

Geology major Kat Turk ’16 and William & Mary paleontologist Rowan Lockwood
Un-beached whale

Cornwallis sank as he died, making a couple of revolutions on his way down, finally ending belly up and flippers akimbo, making a sort of “whale angel” on the ocean bottom.

Emergency siren makes it a bad day for turtle trapping

A wetland ecosystems class caught turtles on Sept. 4 as part of part of a larger initiative. The Ecological Research as Education Network includes turtle censuses from 25 other schools in the United States.

10 EVMS/W&M collaborative research projects funded

Ten research projects involving faculty at William & Mary and Eastern Virginia Medical School will each receive $10,000 in funding as part of a program to foster collaboration between researchers at the two institutions.