Lab bench prepped for Open Lab
The Open Lab experience involved extracting DNA from strawberries, and using paints to illustrate the experience.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Bright pink test-tube holder
Professor Hinton's choice of lab materials adds cheer for biologists of all ages.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab orientation
Open Lab participants first met in the conference room for orientation
Shanta Hinton Lab
New faces for Open Lab
At the start students were quiet in the new setting
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab orientation cont.
Dr. Hinton worked to relax the students, and their parents.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Liz Allison welcomes Open Lab
W&M Biology Department Chair Dr. Liz Allison spoke briefly to the Open Lab group
Shanta Hinton Lab
W&M biologists establish a fun tone
W&M Biology Department Chair Dr. Liz Allison spoke briefly to the Open Lab group
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab orientation cont.
W&M students and children begin to make friends
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab orientation cont.
Students learn why DNA matters to them
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab orientation cont.
Students learn why DNA matters to them
Shanta Hinton Lab
Introducing DNA at Open Lab
Questions were encouraged and students quickly embraced the topic.
Shanta Hinton Lab
DNA in a strawberry
Students were introduced to nucleotides using the strawberry as a model
Shanta Hinton Lab
Preparing for the laboratory
Lab coats were supplied as an introduction to lab protocol and safety.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Preparing for the laboratory, cont.
Enough lab coats for everyone!
Shanta Hinton Lab
Walking to the lab, cont.
At first some students appeared apprehensive traveling the halls of the science building
Shanta Hinton Lab
Walking to the lab, cont.
Open Lab's goal was to introduce parents to the process as well as the students
Shanta Hinton Lab
In the laboratory
Young students are introduced to the lab environment while undergraduate assistants look on.
Shanta Hinton Lab
In the laboratory, cont.
Dr. Hinton's multi-colored choice in lab materials enliven the workbench.
Shanta Hinton Lab
In the laboratory, cont.
Soon apprenhension gave way to engagement in the lab.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Looking through the florescent microscope
Soon apprenhension gave way to engagement in the lab.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab petri dish illuminated
Soon apprenhension gave way to engagement in the lab.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Student looking through microscope
Soon apprenhension gave way to engagement in the lab.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab, cont.
Students wear safety glasses in keeping with good lab protocol.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Parent looking through microscope
Open Lab introduces both students and parents to the subject and environment of science research
Shanta Hinton Lab
William and Mary undergraduates
Open Lab provided teaching experience for current undergraduate students
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab, cont.
Building relationships between young and mature students
Shanta Hinton Lab
DNA from strawberries!
Building relationships between young and mature students
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab, cont.
Student begins the process to extract DNA from a strawberry
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab, cont.
Strawberries undergoing DNA extraction
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab, cont.
DNA extraction
Shanta Hinton Lab
Hampton University student helps at Open Lab
DNA extraction
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab, cont.
After DNA extraction, students report by painting about their experience
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab report medium
Lab reports were made with colorful paints
Shanta Hinton Lab
Clean up needed in the DNA Lab
Lab reports were made with colorful paints
Shanta Hinton Lab
Making ice cream with science
After lab, refreshments included home-made ice cream using liquid nitrogen.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Ice Cream Preparation
An Open Lab student, attired in safety gear, makes ice cream using liquid nitrogen.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Dr. Shanta Hinton
Dr. Shanta Hinton oversees a student making ice cream with liquid nitrogen
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab refreshments
Strawberry and peach ice cream home-made at the Open Lab
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab refreshments
Extreme safety gear for the important work of stirring ice cream
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab refreshments
A parent talks to Biology Dept. chair Liz Allison, next to Shanta Hinton, Open Lab director.
Shanta Hinton Lab
Open Lab participants
Group photo of some students (from pre-school to graduate), parents, and faculty partipating in Open Lab
Shanta Hinton Lab
At the end of Open Lab, new friends say goodbye.
Shanta Hinton Lab