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2014 Plumeri Award Recipient

Christopher A. Del Negro
Associate Professor of Applied Science

Professor Del Negro is an international leader in the field of neuroscience. His academic distinction is complemented with a remarkable level of service to William & Mary. Currently, he serves as chair of the Department of Applied Science and is a sitting member of the Center for Scientific Review of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Taking into account the fact that the largest issues in modern biology are interdisciplinary by nature, Del Negro uses a comprehensive approach in researching the neural bases of rhythmic behaviors, particularly the breathing and respiration. With his research group, he studies the rhythmic components of human behavior through direct observation, and then relates the results back to brain functions. His innovative research has attracted grants from NIH and the National Science Foundation, among other organizations. Del Negro has published more than 40 peer-reviewed manuscripts and has delivered lectures worldwide in France, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Japan and Canada. At William & Mary, Del Negro teaches the course Cellular Biophysics and Modeling, which now is a requirement in the Neuroscience program. He also developed an outreach program for high school students, enabling them to participate in intensive summer research conducted in his laboratory. Del Negro holds a doctorate in physiological sciences from the University of California, Los Angeles.