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Graduate Program

in Applied Science

The Department of Applied Science is an interdisciplinary graduate department that focuses on the Ph.D., which also offers an M.S. degree in some cases. Both degrees can be customized and focused into a number of concentrations in the physical and natural sciences. Graduate students and their advisory committees plan individualized degree programs that best suit each student's educational goals. Applied Science graduate students have a wide variety of backgrounds and professional interests. Coursework, one-on-one meetings with faculty members, association with other graduate students, and seminars are all a part of an entering graduate student's experience. The coursework component of each student's curriculum is highly flexible and is planned individually with his or her faculty advisory committee. The Applied Science Ph.D. is a fully funded program offering a Research Assistantship stipend of  $31,000 per academic year, in addition to covering the cost of tuition and health insurance.

Doctor of Philosophy

The candidate must successfully complete the program of courses approved by the Applied Science Faculty and pass a comprehensive qualifying examination designed to demonstrate competence in his or her field of study. The candidate must carry out a substantial original research project, and the dissertation describing this research must be approved by the student's advisory committee and successfully defended in a public oral examination. The Graduate Catalog has detailed Ph.D. requirements.

Master of Science

The student must successfully complete the program of courses approved by the Applied Science Faculty. The requirements for the degree may be met by either 1) 30 hours of graduate credit and an original thesis approved by the student's advisory committee and defended in an oral examination, or 2) 32 hours of graduate credit including Applied Science 710 Research Project. The Graduate Catalog has detailed M.S. requirements.


In coordination with their advisor, Applied Science graduate students can decide on one of the following research fields, which will be listed on the final transcript as their concentration area.

  • Accelerator Science
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied Mechanics
  • Physiology, Biomolecular Engineering & Biomedical Engineering
  • Computational Geography
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Data Science
  • Lasers and Optics
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Mathematical and Computational Biology
  • Medical Imaging
  • Nanotechnology
  • Neuroscience
  • Nondestructive Evaluation
  • Remote Sensing