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2015-16 AFST News Archive

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So close, yet so far

An exhibit of the African-American business area adjacent to the university served as a window to the old days for people from both sides of the street.

Civil rights pioneer Diane Nash to speak at Lemon Project symposium

William & Mary's sixth annual Lemon Project Spring Symposium, organized around the theme of "Jim Crow and Civil Rights in the Age of President Obama," will include a keynote address by civil rights pioneer Diane Nash and a performance by the Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble.

Six projects receive IDEA grants

The Office of Diversity & Equal Opportunity recently granted Innovative Diversity Efforts Awards (IDEA) to six projects that aim to further diversity and inclusion at William & Mary.

W&M helps First Baptist Church celebrate 240th anniversary

People from across the country, including members of the William & Mary community, gathered at the First Baptist Church of Williamsburg Monday to celebrate the 240th anniversary of one of the oldest African-American houses of worship in the United States.

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry to speak at King commemoration

The William & Mary community is expected to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. in January with a series of events, including service opportunities for students and a commemoration ceremony with guest speaker Melissa Harris-Perry, an MSNBC host and Wake Forest University professor.

Study finds Asian men, black women underrepresented in magazines

Researchers examined photos in six popular, American magazines and found that Asian men and black women were underrepresented, potentially due to stereotypes that associate femininity with Asian people and masculinity with black people.

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Narrative medicine examines charts and hearts

Collaborative program between W&M and Eastern Virginia Medical School is teaching that the stories behind the illness are important for good healthcare, too.