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May 19, 2023


I expect you all thought you would not be tortured by a message from me, since it’s even later than I usually send them out – but not so! Here I am at my desk in a darkened Ewell wondering how to write to you about a day full of tears and joy and congratulations. This one will be short – no-one wants to think about business right now. So let me just say:

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Dear all,

I expect you all thought you would not be tortured by a message from me, since it’s even later than I usually send them out – but not so! Here I am at my desk in a darkened Ewell wondering how to write to you about a day full of tears and joy and congratulations. This one will be short – no-one wants to think about business right now. So let me just say:

Congratulations to all the A&S students who graduated about an hour ago

35 doctoral students

47 master of Science

27 Master of Arts

18 Master of Public Policy

747 for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts-International Honours

715 for Bachelor of Science

Standing up on the stage at graduation reading the names of our graduate students and the names of all our majors was an experience of pure joy for me. Thanks to those of you who were able to come and sit on the stage. Many of you have a busy day tomorrow with departmental and program ceremonies, and I am so grateful for all the work and kindness you put into planning those. Our students will never forget these experiences.

Finally, some shout-outs:

Abbie Schaefer, the A&S Director of Communications & Special Projects, received her MBA this evening. We are so proud of her and so happy that she has joined our team.

Roxane Adler Hickey, whom many of you know as the Director of the Washington Center, received her Doctor of Education degree this evening. Roxane and her staff are wonderful partners for us and we thank them for all the ways in which the Washington Center broadens our students’ minds and introduces them to worlds that they might otherwise never see. Many congratulations to Roxane.

Lisa Roday, a member of the Council of Arts & Sciences, became an Honorary Alumna of William & Mary this afternoon. Lisa is a loyal and visionary friend of A&S and it makes me very happy to see her honored in this way.

Abbie and Roxane studied for their degrees while at the same time working full-time jobs. Just writing the Friday message is an exhausting – though rewarding! – experience for me (thank goodness it is followed by a weekend during which I can recover), and I can only imagine what it’s like to work towards a degree on top of also doing your job superbly.

Ok, now I need to go and recover from the effort of writing this message.

Happy weekend, everyone, and thank you so much for everything.


Suzanne Raitt

Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences

Chancellor Professor of English

Pronouns: she/her/hers