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Lelia Cottin-Rack

Gore 1693 ScholarLelia Cottin-Rack


Stockton, CA (Lincoln High School)

Academic Interests

Creative writing, Italian studies, government

Why W&M

I had really hoped I’d hate the school. When I got the call that I was a finalist, I was pleasantly surprised, but wary. A school in middle-of-nowhere, Virginia, wasn’t really my vision – even if it did boast academic prestige and elusive east-coast vibes.

Then I came for finalist weekend. I thought I could stay wary – the hotel breakfast was mediocre; the weather was average. I didn’t want to get attached – what if I got my heart broken?

But the instant I stepped onto campus, I knew it was over. I so vividly remember walking away from the Admissions office, campus map in hand, and looking up to see Sunken Gardens and the buildings across the green. My heart dropped. I looked at my father and said: “I think I’m in love.” 

And that was…the rest of my weekend. I marveled at the inside of Chancellors Hall, I pet corgis in Swem library, I grabbed a cup of coffee in Sadler (an omelet station? is this even real?). I accidentally ended up at a live concert? I sat in on a phenomenal government lecture about civil disobedience; I learned about the opportunities for study-abroad and research with faculty; I finally realised how close the school was to D.C.. Everything was wonderful. And that’s not even to speak of the people.  

When I got back home, I told my mom: you know that feeling when someone is the best person you’ve ever met – they’re genuine, they’re incredibly smart, they’re funny, you want to be around them, and they bring out the best in everyone? That. That is EVERY single person I’ve met at William & Mary

Everyone I talked to was passionate, inspiring, and interesting. The other scholars were doing incredible things – research projects and international internships that were changing the world. And rather than the toxic environment one often finds in academically motivated schools, here it felt like people inspired each other to be the best versions of themselves.

Professor Cristol called me the day after I got back. I have some news you’ll want to hear, he said. We’d love to have you be a part of our community. I dropped the phone in shock, and when I remembered how to speak, asked him if I could think about it. But I think I knew from the moment I stepped off the plane that my decision was already made. I remember, when I accepted, him asking me if I was sure. 

“I could live with myself and not choose my other schools,” I answered. “But I couldn't forgive myself if I didn’t choose William & Mary.” And that holds true.  

Even though the cafeteria has been out of coffee eight out of the nine mornings I’ve desperately needed it, I love this school – its academic opportunities, its campus, and its people – with all of my heart. And I couldn’t be happier to spend my next four years in middle-of-somewhat-nowhere, Virginia. 

High School Activities
  • Region 5 President, California Association of Student Councils
  • Student Trustee of School District Board
  • Piano
  • Poetry
  • Actress, Lincoln HS Drama Department
  • President, Italian Club
  • President, People to People International Club
  • Community service
  • Campaign volunteering
  • Counselor, Student Advisory Board on Education
  • Counselor, Elementary-Middle School Leadership Conferences
  • Student Delegate, National Student Leadership Conference
Awards / Distinctions
  • California Legislature Certificate of Recognition
  • City of Stockton Certificate of Recognition of Exemplary Leadership Among Peers
  • 2024 All-County Distinguished Student
  • Robert E. Green Memorial Scholarship
  • California Scholarship Federation Life Member
  • National AP Scholar with Distinction
  • Commitment to Community Recognition Award
  • State PTA Award of Excellence in Literature
  • California State Seal of Biliteracy in Italian
  • Distinguished Senior Scholar
  • Certificate of Merit and Highest Honors in piano examination levels 6-9