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1693 Scholar Research / Internship

All 1693 Scholars can receive $6,000 in funding to conduct an in-depth research project or internship. Most 1693 Scholars conduct their research projects or complete their internships the summer before their junior or senior years. The results will vary. Many finish with a research paper, but that might not be the best product for everyone. For example, if doing a creative project, scholars might end with a painting, sculpture or novella. Scholars working in labs might have their lab results as their final products and may present their findings at a conference. 

In order to qualify for the $6,000 in funding, 1693 Scholars need to: 

  • Submit and receive approval of their research project or internship from the director of the 1693 Scholars Program
  • Submit the product of their project to the director of the 1693 Scholars Program
  • Create a 4-5 minute video explaining their research or intership experience
  • (Optional) Present their work at a W&M Undergraduate Research Symposium

Check out recent 1693 Scholar research below!

Ben Steinman '26
Tracking the excited state dynamics of functional molecules using
optical transient absorption spectroscopy

Lena Bullard '26
A Case for Sanctions and Reparations in Equatorial Guinea

Alex Gendreau '25
Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics of Microorganisms

Emma Lankford '25
The Past Before the Parks: Evaluating Land History Information in Western U.S. National Parks

Daniel Posthumus '24
Starting Early: Returns on Kindergarten Attendance in Indonesia

Justin Berg '24
Could "Leaky" Mitochondria Play a Role in Immune Function?

Christina Luckett '25
Proteomics: Differential Protein Expression in Bacteriophages CrimD and Larva

Suditi Shyamsunder '23
Project 1: Effect of Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status on Mental Health Outcomes of Asian Americans in NYC and Project 2: Perinatal Outcomes in Disaggregated Asian American Communities

Robby Gourdie '24
Using Unnatural Amino Acid Technology for the Development of Protein Bioconjugates

Jeffrey Gu '25
The Effect of Opioids on Breathing Rhythm

Skyler Seets '24
A Diplomatic Case Study: Nikita Khrushchev and John F Kennedy

Adam Jutt '25
Domestic Help Throughout the Great Migration

Jack Boyd '24
The Intersection of 20th Century Nationalism and Authoritarianism in European Museums and Monuments

Anna Arnsberger '25
Highlands Foodways Project