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Sinclair Cabocel

Stamps 1693 Scholar



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Arlington, VA (Yorktown High School)

Why William & Mary

At first, William and Mary wasn’t my number one choice for college. Truth be told I didn’t even really have a number one choice at any point during the college application process. I was fairly certain that I would have been happy at any institution I decided to attend.

However, when I was contacted about the 1693 Scholar Program, my attention was drawn, and my eyes immediately fell upon William and Mary. Other colleges and universities wanted to try to convince me that their institutions were the best choice for me, but W&M knew that it was the right place. I know it sounds strange, but when you first step foot onto the campus, the atmosphere just tells you it’s where you belong. It is beauty without boastfulness, and confidence without condescension. William and Mary instills its own centuries old passion in its students, no matter what paths they might try to travel down. While it’s easy to say that we chose William and Mary, the truth is that William and Mary chose us. For anybody who has faith in themselves, take my word for it, this college has faith in you too. Even for those who are unsure, still take my word for it, and place your gaze upon the college so you can feel it gazing right back with beaming pride.


Economics and English majors

2016-2017 School Year

 I spent a year abroad at Oxford University!

Summer 2016

I worked with Wells Fargo's Corporate Economics Group, assisting a small group of PhD economists in predicting thousands of variables in global, national, and regional economies. Not only did I learn how to use advanced econometric modeling software, but I was able to sit in on many calls and meetings with top bank executives, and gained insights about economic happenings from economists stationed around the world. I was particularly fortunate to be at the center of action when the economic consequences of the Brexit vote were still being modeled out. 

High School Activitiessinclair

  • Leader of Madrigal group
  • District Choir
  • Choralis (adult professional chorus)
  • Cashier at Chipotle Mexican Grill
  • Violin
  • Tutor
  • Chess Team
  • Intern for Congressman Peter DeFazio
  • Arlington Chess Club


  • National AP Scholar
  • National Honor Society
  • Semi-Finalist in Governor's Challenge in Economics and Finance
  • Local science fair first place awards; Regional science fair second and third place awards