Global Reach & Study Abroad
A William & Mary education transcends boundaries.
William & Mary is a leading force for international education and training ground for international specialists around the world. Few other world universities combine centuries of commitment to excellence in teaching international subjects, opportunities for hands-on student research on global issues, close ties to policymakers, and a passionately committed base of local, national and international alumni.
Proud To Be #1 in Study Abroad
The post-pandemic world will need global expertise, global analysis, and an understanding of diverse global perspectives more than ever before. We will therefore not waiver in our commitment to advance the internationalization of teaching, learning, research and community involvement at W&M.
William & Mary is the #1 public university for study abroad. Approximately half of all undergraduates study abroad in their W&M careers. In a typical year, more than 840 undergraduate students study abroad in more than 55 countries around the world.
Building on a Global Tradition: All Are Welcome Here
William & Mary builds on a global tradition of more than three centuries, beginning with our founding in 1693 as an American overseas campus representing the British Crown.
W&M is committed to maintaining an inclusive, welcoming and caring space for all of our members. We recognize that our international community have unique needs and challenges and we will strive to support them to the best of our abilities.
Making International Connections Across the University
The Reves Center for International Studies serves as the “hub” of internationalization at the university. The Vice Provost for International affairs and staff combine forces to promote international teaching, learning, research and community involvement across the university to ensure that all W&M students, faculty, staff, alumni and supporters are included:
- Global Education Office (Study Abroad)
- International Students, Scholars & Programs Office
- AidData
- Africana Studies
- Center for Comparative Legal Studies and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
- COLL 300
- Global Research Institute
- Global Studies
- Human Security Law Center
- International Relations
- International Undergraduate Admission
- Modern Languages & Literatures
- The Project on International Peace & Security
- The Roy R. Charles Center for Academic Excellence
- St Andrews William & Mary Joint Degree Programme