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Diversity & Inclusion

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion leads the university’s diversity and inclusion work. William & Mary is committed to creating a community where all members feel a sense of belonging and flourish.

In alignment with our mission and values, we embrace diversity and foster inclusion by structuring our work with the Inclusive Excellence Framework which focuses on five dimensions of belonging work: Access and Success, Campus Climate, Education and Scholarship, Organizational Culture and Accountability, and Innovation, Community and Reconciliation. This creates a shared narrative across the University.  We thrive as a university because of its people and their varied experiences.

Diversity News @ W&M

Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award

2023-insight-into-diversity-heed-award-logo.jpg heed_logo2022.png heed_logo2021_tag_1.pngheed_logo2020 Insight Into Diversity, Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award, Top Colleges for Diversity 2019    Insight Into Diversity, Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award, Top Colleges for Diversity 2018

Campus Pride Index    2023-campus-pride-4andhalf-star.png

 Hearth: Memorial to the Enslaved