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Compared to pre-COVID, how much time do you now spend on service in a typical week?

Date: March 2, 2021
Audience: Faculty

Time Spent on Service: much more 41%, slightly more 34%, same 12%, slightly less 10%, much less 3%. 133 out of 870 registered; 68 responses (51% response rate)


On March 2, 2021, we asked 139 registered faculty users (out of a total population of 870):

Compared to pre-COVID, how much time do you now spend on service in a typical week?

A) Much more
B) Slightly more
C) Same
D) Slightly less
E) Much less

We received 73 responses to the scaled question (53% response rate):

  • Much more: 41.1%
  • Slightly more: 34.2%
  • Same: 12.3%
  • Slightly less: 9.6%
  • Much less: 2.7%

We received 13 responses yielding 17 data points (9% response rate) explaining the scaled response selected, which we analyzed and consolidated into six categories:

  • More because advising/mentoring students takes more time: 23.5%
  • More because of new demands on existing committees/new committees: 17.6%
  • More because regular service work is more time consuming: 17.6%
  • More (other/unspecified): 17.6%
  • More because of work managing W&M COVID response: 11.8%
  • Less (other/unspecified): 11.8%