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What is one success you are celebrating as the Fall semester ends? What is one challenge you plan to address or would like to see addressed in the Spring?

Date: November 19, 2020
Audience: Faculty & Staff

Fall 2020 Successes 32% Healthy or Low COVID Incidence, 24% Making it to the end of the semester, 17% adaptability and productivity, 8% transparency and accountability, 8% collaboration and working relationships, 7% student success, 4% other


Spring 2021 challenges, Emotional Wellbeing or Support 21%, Work-Life Balance 21%, Connectedness and Engagement 17%, Other 14%, Lack of Transparency or Accountability 12%, Technology and Skills Improvement 12%, Academic Honesty Concerns 4%


On November 19, 2020, we asked 267 registered faculty and staff users:

A) What is one success you are celebrating as the Fall semester ends? B) What is one challenge you plan to address or would like to see addressed in the Spring?

We received 57 responses to Part A (21% response rate) yielding 84 data points (some responses contained multi-part answers). The responses we received were sorted into the following categories:

  • Healthy/low COVID incidence: 32.1%
    "I'm celebrating that we didn't have a huge breakout at W&M!"
  • Making it to end of semester: 23.8%
    "We made it!"
  • Adaptability & Productivity: 16.7%
    "The creativity and flexibility of my colleagues to adapt to new circumstances, innovate, and adapt our work to changing circumstances beyond everyone's control"
  • Transparency & Accountability: 8.3%
    "Students, faculty and staff had direction from W&M about how to convene safely."
  • Collaboration & Working Relationships: 8.3%
    "Being able to collaborate and network with people across campus that I may not have had the opportunity to meet"
  • Student Success: 7.1%
    "Saw student athlete manage, adapt and overcome challenges presented in the new learning environment"
  • Other/Not Responsive: 3.6%

We received 55 responses to Part B (21% response rate) yielding 85 data points (some responses contained multi-part answers). The responses we received were sorted into the following categories:

  • Emotional Wellbeing/ Support: 21.1%
    "The impossible, crushing, relentless remote teaching workload and its toll on my mental and physical health"
  • Work/Life Balance: 21.2%
    "The sustained number of hours staff have to put in over 40hrs to ensure things go smoothly/safely... it is often inequitable"
  • Connectedness & Engagement: 16.5%
    "Keeping meaningful connections with other workers. Just not enough hours in a day to interact outside a specific sphere."
  • Other/Not Applicable: 14.1%
    "Can someone do something about the daily health check. It's obnoxious mindless box ticking."
  • Lack of Transparency & Accountability: 11.8%
    "Addressing number of students that are not following mask and no food or drinks in the buildings - its very frustrating"
  • Technology & Skills Improvement: 11.8%
    "Technology can be overwhelming when teaching with zoom in the classroom"
  • Academic Honesty Concerns: 3.5%
    "How to maintain academic integrity and engagement in large intro STEM courses"