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International Advisory Committee

The Committee advises the Provost, the Reves Center Director and others on internationally focused initiatives and programs across the university. The Committee provides recommendations on how best to build incentives for incorporating international/global perspectives, competencies, and experiences into all levels of the university's work– study-abroad, public programs, research initiatives, etc. The Committee recommends guidelines for education abroad programs and reviews various Reves Center initiatives.

  • Committee is appointed
  • Term:  3 years
  • Advisory:  Provost
  • Chair:  Appointed by Provost
Membership (2024-25)

Teresa Longo, Chair
Ryan Carnegie
Dawn Edmiston*
Omiyemi (Artisia) Green*
Gladys Krause
Lisa Landino*
Dan Maliniak
Tyler Meldrum*
Jess Paga
Joanna Schug
Christie Warren
Melissa Whatley*

*indicates new member