Committee on Administration, Buildings & Grounds
Ardine Williams, Chair
W. Taylor Franklin, Vice Chair
Robey W. Estes, Jr.
J.E. Lincoln Saunders
Christopher Bailey, faculty representative
Diana Kim, student representative
Michael Todd
Tawanda Johnson
(Design Review Board – Ardine Williams)
The Committee on Administration, Buildings, and Grounds considers and makes recommendations on all matters relating to the administrative operations of the University, including human resources policy in regard to classified or operational employees, professional employees, and other non-instructional faculty members; the buildings and grounds of William & Mary, including the naming of buildings and facilities; information technology; procurement; and any other matters referred to it by the Rector or the President, particularly regarding authority granted under The Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (Title 23.1, Chapter 10). The Rector may appoint a faculty member and student to the positions of non-voting faculty and student committee representatives. The Executive Vice President of Administration and Finance staffs the committee.
The Chair of the committee serves as Chair of the Design Review Board established by and advisory to the President of William & Mary.