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Student Affairs

The Senior Vice President for Student Affairs & Public Safety and her staff provide a broad range of services to the students of William & Mary. The Senior Vice President oversees departments and offices responsible for student counseling, multicultural student services, services for disabled and commuting students, student rights and responsibilities, organizations and activities, student government, the student conduct system, the Sadler & Campus Centers, student residences, and student health needs.

The staff members work closely with the faculty and administration of the university to represent student concerns to them; this office also presents academic and administrative policies to the students.

Organizational Updates
Dean of Students Realignment

As we move into the new academic year, organizational changes (pdf) in the Student Success thematic area in Student Affairs will advance our division’s shared vision — to create an engaging learning environment where community is strengthened and individuals flourish.

Following the example of President Rowe, I have taken time over several weeks to pause and consider carefully next steps in light of the Dean of Students’ departure in June. Top of mind has been the needs of our students today, as well as the team in Student Success and their considerable skills.

Rather than appoint an interim Dean of Students and initiate a national search, we have taken the opportunity to strategically re-align the existing Student Success staff and units and simultaneously build upon existing senior leadership in Student Affairs at W&M. 

New Units to Support Students

Student Success
Community Values & ConnectionPlanning, Strategy & Integrative Practices

With one less administrative layer, the new org structure will bring me closer to the current Student Success team, improve pathways for students to frontline staff members who can partner with them, and distribute the workload more equitably across the division. Above all, this plan prioritizes student needs.

Among the changes is the addition of a new professional position in the Office of Academic Wellbeing, expanding the team that manages peer-to-peer tutoring (now free for all students), academic coaching, and workshops for students on everything from time management to study techniques.

  • Student Success will continue to be a critical thematic area in the division. Dr. Wilmarie Rodriguez will serve as Assistant Vice President (AVP) for Student Success, providing leadership for the teams in Academic Wellbeing, Student Accessibility Services (SAS), and Care Support Services.
  • Greg Henderson, as Associate Vice President (AVP) for Community Values & Connection and Chief of Staff, will lead an area bringing together staff whose work reinforces foundations of a strong campus community, especially values and relationships. He will lead the departments of Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (formerly CVRP), Conflict Resolution & Peer Mediation, Gender-Based Violence Resources and Advocacy Services, and Family Engagement (formerly Parent & Family Programs).
  • Anna Mroch will serve in a new and expanded role, Assistant Vice President (AVP) for Planning, Strategy & Integrative Practices and Director of Assessment. Her team will be focused on key goals in our Student Affairs strategic plan, the university's strategic plan, and W&M's Inclusive Excellence Plan — specifically enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion at W&M, and promoting social mobility by focusing on underrepresented students and students who are Pell-eligible and/or first-generation and have limited income. That thematic area will include the Center for Student Diversity and the Office of First-Generation Student Engagement.

Student Affairs staff members are working together this summer to identify and address the host of details that inevitably flow from such change — implications for budgets, policy documents, websites, physical office spaces, communications, and more. Our plan is to offer students additional details about the restructuring in early August and to be ready for their arrival for the 2024-2025 school year shortly after.

I thank Student Affairs and our many partners across campus for their support during this time of transition, opportunity, and growth. I am grateful for my colleagues and so admiring of the professionalism and heart Student Affairs brings to our work every day.

Virginia M. Ambler ’88, Ph.D. ‘06
Senior Vice President for Student Affairs & Public Safety