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Department Resources

William & Mary is proud of our exceptional department administrators who manage and support their employees. No matter what type of employee they are, faculty and staff seek guidance from leaders, business managers, or administrators. That's where University HR steps up to provide the necessary forms, tools, and resources for departments to accomplish their goals. Scroll down to see what we have prepared.

Two people using a computer in a laboratory.

Managers & Supervisors

Calling all supervisors, managers, and other leaders: Here are resources to equip you and your team for success. Learn about best practices for onboarding, offboarding, timesheets, performance, employee relations and more.

A William & Mary library employee smiles for a photo at their desk.

Hiring Officials & Business Partners

Looking for great talent? Browse our comprehensive materials for hiring, classification and compensation practices. Master the art of designing a detailed position description and learn how to build a posting to yield outstanding applicants.

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Department Resources Forms

Not sure where to start? Refer to the Personnel Actions Reference List if you have any questions on how to submit a personnel action.

Download any PDFs to make edits instead of completing the form on your browser for best results. It is most efficient to route PDF forms, such as PAFs and PSAs, through DocuSign. Be sure to make AskHR the last recipient and indicate that UHR should "receive a copy" rather than view or sign the document.

Watch this short video on creating a DocuSign for best practices and required steps.