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Gallery Page

Cascade currently offers two options: create a gallery page that pulls in images from a Flickr album (preferred) or create a local gallery by uploading photos to Cascade.

Prep for Flickr Galleries
  • Go to the album you'd like to use in Flickr and take a look at the URL for the page, it should be something like:
  • The long number at the end of the URL is the numeric ID you want to save to put into the "Flickr Set ID" field when you create your gallery.
  • Don't have a Flickr account yet? Check out our social media guidelines for tips on how to set up an account.

Note: If a Flickr gallery has more than 50 photos, only the first 50 will be displayed in the Cascade photo gallery.

Prep for Cascade-hosted (Local) Galleries
  1. Collect and organize your gallery photos on your desktop before creating anything in Cascade. The image file names should all be lowercase with no spaces, and must be .jpg (not .jpeg, .JPG, .png, etc.). Gallery photos should be 900 x 600 pixels, vertical images should be 600 pixels tall. Photos will be centered in the available space, any "empty" space around the photo will be matted with black automatically.
  2. DO NOT upload the high res photos directly off your camera into Cascade. Please scale and crop them to the specs above with an image editor first. 
Create the Gallery Page

Select Add Content >> Folder with Gallery Page (if you don't have this asset, contact your Cascade Web Manager).

  1. Enter a Folder Name (all lowercase, no spaces).
  2. Enter a Display Name.
  3. Submit.
If you're storing the images locally:
  1. Edit the index page in your gallery folder. Enter a page title.
  2. Make sure "Local" is selected for "Where are your images?"
  3. Select your options for "Automatically play slideshow?" "Display image captions?" and "Display page title?"
  4. To save, select Preview Draft and then Submit >> Check Content & Submit.
  5. Upload photos into the gallery folder.
    • If your gallery is set to display image captions, the Display Name of the image file will be the caption. Note: the Display Name serves first and foremost as alt text for screen readers, and should be brief and descriptive for that purpose. If you prefer a longer photo caption enter that text in the Summary field and the gallery will add the Summary text to the caption. Note: the display order of images in the gallery is determined by their folder order.
  6. Publish your gallery folder.
If you're pulling the images from Flickr:
  1. Edit the index page in your gallery folder. Enter a page title.
  2. Select "Flickr" for "Where are you images?" and paste in your Flickr Set ID in the "Flickr Set ID" field.
  3. Select your options for "Automatically play slideshow?" "Display image captions?" and "Display page title?"
  4. To save, select Preview Draft and then Submit >> Check Content & Submit.
  5. Publish your gallery folder.