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Some University Registrar forms require authentication with a W&M username and password. If there is a University Registrar form that you cannot access because you do not have an active W&M username and password, please contact for additional assistance.

For PDF forms, please print, complete, and sign Office of University Registrar forms. You may then submit them by mail, fax, or in person to:

William & Mary
Office of the University Registrar
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
(757) 221-2800
(757) 221-2151 fax

Where noted, forms are offered by and must be submitted to other offices (Student Success, Student Accountability & Restorative Practices, Undergraduate Studies, Graduate Studies - A&S). Refer to the explanations listed on the forms to ensure the appropriate form submission. 


Graduate Studies - A&S *


Undergraduate Studies *

Degree Requirement & Completion

Student Success *

Study Away & Transfer Credit

Verification & Directory Information

Student Accountability & Restorative Practices*


For Faculty & Staff