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The Jefferson Forum

When Thomas Jefferson attended the College of William & Mary, faculty mentors regularly invited him to dinner at the Governor’s Palace where he discussed and debated the issues of the day with prominent members of the Virginia colony. This experience played a critical role in Jefferson’s early education and profoundly shaped his worldview.

The Project on International Peace and Security’s Jefferson Forum is an online discussion board premised on Jefferson’s experience. The forum links PIPS students with members of the U.S. foreign affairs and national security communities. Using this portal, students can brainstorm about emerging international challenges and possible policy solutions with experienced analysts, practitioners, and scholars. Conversely, the forum provides these professionals an opportunity to mentor and benefit from the creativity, intelligence, and energy of talented undergraduates—helping shape the next generation of international affairs and national security professionals and scholars.

The PIPS Jefferson Forum is a venue for open and respectful discussion of international affairs and national security issues. All discussions that occur in the forum are not for attribution and based on open-source information.   

Membership in the Jefferson Forum is by invitation only and reserved for members of the U.S. international affairs and defense communities, scholars, current PIPS students, and PIPS alumni. If you wish to learn more about or join the forum, please contact: [[pips]].

Members can reach the forum by clicking the button below.


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