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Getting Started

Welcome to W&M One Network!

Creating an account is easy! Visit the W&M One Network and click the 'Join Now' button. Registering for an account takes less than five minutes if you use the email address W&M typically uses to reach you. Be sure to select all the university affiliations that apply (alumni, student, parent, spouse/partner, staff & faculty and volunteer) by clicking each box as applicable. Alternatively, if you would like to register without having to remember an additional password, please utilize 'Sign in with LinkedIn' or 'Sign in with Google' feature. 

Once you’ve joined, follow these five tips to take your One Network profile and networking to the next level.

  1. Complete and regularly update your One Network profile.
    • To find the 'edit profile' settings menu, select the arrow next to your profile picture in the top right corner.
  2. Update your notification and privacy settings (in the Settings menu).
  3. Post to the One Network main Feed (linked in the left menu) and Communities feeds (linked in the left menu). Introduce yourself and let others know how you can help professionally and the help you need. Spark a discussion by posting industry or career articles and/or questions.
  4. Browse the directory (linked in the left menu) and send a direct message to members of the One Network who are willing to help (select their profile and click 'Message' or use the message icon in the top right corner of the page).
  5. Comment on posts in the feed and invite others to join the conversation. When you see a feed post that could be of interest to someone you know in the One Network, tag them in the comments through a '@FirstNameLastName' mention.

If you’re not sure where to start or need extra help, please review our detailed guide (PDF).


Contact the W&M One Network team at [[onenetwork,]]