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International Relations

The Joint Degree program offers an International Honours B.A. in International Relations. In your study of International Relations, you will master theoretical approaches to the study of world politics. You will learn how the international system operates as well as the major challenges it faces. You will take courses from a range of disciplines: in politics, economics, and history. You will learn how to integrate insights from these diverse approaches to the study of international relations.

Topics and issues covered include international security, world trade and finance, environmental politics, human rights, terrorism, regional and ethnic conflict, and the impact of globalization.

You will gain experience in the different modes of analysis pursued at the two universities. William & Mary takes a scientific approach, while St Andrews is more philosophical. Together, the two universities offer a broad spectrum of courses needed for a solid foundation in the study of world politics.

All International Relations majors in the joint program will pursue an independent study project as part of their degree. If your fourth year is at St Andrews, you will write a dissertation. If it is at W&M, you will either complete an Honors thesis or take an independent study.

Requirements for the International Honours B.A. in International Relations

Faculty contacts:

John Lopresti (years 1 and 2)
Jeffrey Kaplow (years 3 and 4)
Department of International Relations