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Jennifer Putzi

Sara and Jess Cloud Professor of English & Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies

Office: Tucker Hall 319
Office Hours: On Research Leave (Fall 2023 and Spring 2024)
Phone: 757-221-3908

Areas of Specialization

American literature to 1900, women writers, nineteenth-century American poetry


putzi-fair-copy.jpgPutzi, JenniferFair Copy: Relational Poetics and Antebellum American Women's Poetry.  University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021.

putzi-socarides-history-of-nineteenth-century-american-womens-poetry.jpgPutzi, Jennifer and Alexandra Socarides, eds.  A History of Nineteenth-Century American Women's Poetry.  Cambridge University Press, 2017.

Elizabeth StoddardPutzi, Jennifer and Elizabeth Stockton, eds. The Selected Letters of Elizabeth Stoddard.  University of Iowa Press, 2012.


Putzi, Jennifer, ed. Elizabeth Stoddard: Two Men. U of Nebraska P, 2008.


Putzi, Jennifer. Identifying Marks: Race, Gender, and the Marked Body in Nineteenth-Century America. U of Georgia P, 2006.


B.A., Augustana College; M.A. and Ph.D., University of  Nebraska-Lincoln