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Honor Council Roles--Who's Who


The Chair provides advice, assigns Council members to various procedural roles, and presides over the panel. The Chair does not take part in the investigation, the authorization of a panel, the judgment, or the sanction. The Chair also works behind the scenes to ensure that the Honor case proceeds in a timely and appropriate manner.

PA (Procedural Advisor)

Every student is provided with a Procedural Advisor (PA). The PA is a member of the Council who will guide and inform both the student and the reporting party from start to finish. The student first meets with their PA when they meet the Chair. At this meeting, the PA goes over the student's rights and duties, and the Chair explains more fully the allegations and the Honor Code process.  The PA is available for questions at any time during the process. The PA also is present during the panel for consultation by either party.

IC (Investigating Committee) and ICC (Investigating Committee Chair)

The IC is made up of two or more students from the Council.  One of these students acts as the Chair of the committee (the ICC). The ICC is in contact with the Respondent, the Reporting Party, and all other third parties who might need to be interviewed. The IC's purpose is not to conclude whether the student has violated the Code -- its purpose is to collect as much information as possible, including interviews and the collection of relevant evidence. The goal of the IC is to make sure that, if the case at hand were to proceed to a hearing, the panel will receive all relevant information so that it can render a fair and appropriate decision.

Panel Authorization Committee (PAC)

The PAC is comprised of three Council members previously uninvolved with the case.  Once the investigation report is completed, the PAC meets to evaluate whether there is enough information to warrant a panel. If the PAC determines that there is not enough information, it will recommend dismissal of the matter.

The Panel

The panel is composed of six students who determine whether the student has violated the Code (three students can comprise a panel in certain circumstances outlined in the Honor Code procedures). If the panel determines that the student is in violation, it will issue sanctions for the violation(s). At least five of the six panel members must agree that there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt to find a student in violation. To determine sanctions, at least four of the six panelists must agree.

Student Advisor
The Code provides the Respondent with the right to the advice of a student advisor.  While the student may choose to receive the assistance of any willing currently-enrolled William & Mary student who is from the same school as the student, the student also may choose a trained member of the Conduct and Honor Advisors to serve this role.
Silent Supporter

The Respondent has the right to have a silent, non-participating person present at the panel. This silent supporter can be legal counsel. The silent supporter cannot take part in the actual proceedings, but can be available to advise the student during breaks in the proceedings.

Student Accountability & Restorative Practices (SARP)

The Director of SARP and their staff advise and train the Honor Councils and monitor the progress of matters officially reported to the Councils. SARP also reviews all cases that result in a panel to determine that the Council followed its process and did not make any significant or harmful errors. SARP staff also review the results with the student and advises the student of appeal rights.