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Student Reflections

Here is what students have had to say about their experience during the W&M Pre-College Summer Program:



Julia, Virginia
Pre-Col 2024, HIST 217

"From NIAHD I learned how to look deeper into history and how to analyze documents and buildings and truly discover the stories of people who lived in the past.  I made some of the best friends and had one of the best experiences of my life." 


Ada, Virginia
Pre-Col 2023, HIST 218
"The NIAHD Pre-College Program was such a special experience that not only prepared me incredibly well for my next academic year, but where I also made friends whom I still talk to nearly weekly.  [NIAHD] opened my eyes to what my future could look like.  NIAHD helped me realize that history is really important to me, and something I want to learn even more about during the rest of my school career."

Les, Illinois 
Pre-Col 2018, HIST 217; NIAHD RPA 2022 & 2023
"NIAHD helped me explore my academic passions and meet lifelong friends.  Being able to spend a summer in Colonial Williamsburg and explore historic sites is both exciting and engaging.  Some of my fondest memories come from my summers at NIAHD.  Especially archaeology days with Dr. Dave Brown."

Willa, California 
Pre-Col 2018, HIST 217 
"While I always knew that I loved history, NIAHD's Pre-College Program in American History breathed life into history in a way I had never experienced in a high school classroom... Each day was an adventure, full of new things to learn and new places to see... Each site visit was accompanied by a lively discussion about the significance of the place and the way it can help us better understand the past. I gained vital academic skills by engaging with essential readings and participating in class discussions, skills which made the transition to college much easier.  Not only did the program give me the chance to experience college life and gain practice with academic writing, but I made lifelong friends."

"One of the most impactful moments during my time at the NIAHD Pre-College Program was during a weekend trip to Fairfield Plantation,where we helped excavate the site and screen soil.  I clearly remember the sense of wonder I felt when my trowel scraped against a large piece of ceramic.  When it was removed from the feature, I became the first person in over a century to touch this piece of salt-glazed earthenware and I knew in that moment that I wanted to spend my life rediscovering the past... NIAHD has changed the way I view history and I wouldn't be the person I am today without it!"

Mike, South Korea
Pre-Col 2017, HIST 217
"It would take me two words to sum up my experience in NIAHD: Loved it. Going in as an international student, I was initially really scared of making friends and fitting in. The first few days were a bit tough for me because I was still awkward with the people around me and was basically a walking zombie because of jet lag. But once I got over the first three days, NIAHD became one of the greatest experiences I had in my life. I made new friends, I got to go on cool field trips, and got to experience being a college student in the US. The best thing about NIAHD is that it opens you up to a variety of experiences. First of all, you get to go to the places where history actually took place. You get to stand on the grounds where Pocahontas and John Rolfe got married and then you get to discuss what you learned with a group of equally dedicated and interested students your age. How cool is that. I would definitely recommend NIAHD to any international student who is interested in history or interested in experiencing America. It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

Cottrell, United Kingdom
Pre-Col 2017, HIST 218
"There were a number of reasons I chose to participate in the summer program. Mainly it was because I am very interested in History, especially American History, which is not offered at my school in England. More than that, the idea of visiting the historical sites that I had read about and then incorporating them into a series of analytical essays appealed to me. Overall I had a great experience at NIAHD but the most memorable moment was visiting Hollywood cemetery. There are a number of interesting features within the cemetery such as Monroe’s grave. However, what made it stand out in my mind was its truly beautiful setting overlooking the James river."

"As an international student, the advice I would give is do not worry if you have not studied any American History before. Most of the work is based off of readings done in and out of class as well as the trips. If you enjoyed and were good at the history you studied at school, coming in with no previous knowledge of American History will not be an issue.I benefited greatly from the program in a number of ways. Of course it gave me knowledge of period and country specific history that otherwise I would not have. It also gave me the opportunity to get a feeling for William & Mary as a college and whether or not it would be a school I would want to apply to. Most importantly it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and allowed me to meet other people who are interested in history.  I highly recommend the program no matter what country you are applying from."

Pre-Col Student 
"I was raised in a small town in north Texas, and I had never traveled without my family outside of the state of Texas. Meeting people from all over the country that were excited about history and why history matters expanded my world and greatly influenced my educational goals and career path. I still keep in touch with many NIAHD members and love seeing the impact they are all making across the country in the history, policy, law, and education sectors!"

Pre-Col Student 
"My closest friendships, my college and graduate school decisions, and my career have all been shaped by this program. When I discovered NIAHD, I discovered what was possible for my life."