Professor Knight has long served as an exemplar of collegiality, professionalism, and dedication to the greater good. As a member of the Curriculum Review Steering Committee he helped to design the framework and then shepherd faculty discussion of the College Curriculum, and then contributed to its early implementation as a Fellow in the Center for the Liberal Arts. His contributions to the American Studies Program include service twice as the Program’s acting director, twice as Director of Graduate Studies, and as Director of Undergraduate Studies, while also taking a lead role in creating the Williamsburg Documentary Project. His energy, dynamism, and vision were central to the creation of the Literary and Cultural Studies Program and its eventual formation as the Film and Media Studies Program, with service as director of Film Studies and then of Film and Media Studies.
As Faculty Facilities Coordinator, ably representing the faculty as a liaison to Facilities Management on operational issues, new buildings, and building renovations, and serving on the Advisory Committee for Space Management, he has worked to provide safe and suitable work-spaces for our colleagues and students. He has also served on numerous University and Arts & Sciences committees, including the Library Board, the Educational Policy Committee, and a number of ad hoc committees; and currently serves as Associate Chair of the English Department.
For his many contributions, it is fitting that he now be recognized with the Arts & Sciences 2019 Faculty Governance Award.