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William & Mary Women's Mentoring

Supporting women's flourishing, on campus and beyond

W&M Women’s Mentoring (WM2) connects student proteges with faculty, staff, and graduate student mentors to support the flourishing of women on campus and beyond. Matched pairs build a year-long mentoring relationship focused on the goals and priorities of pair and intentional reflection on the role of gender and sexism in their lives. People of all genders are welcome to participate.

WM2 is a volunteer grass-roots initiative, facilitated by a small but fierce group of leaders on campus. In addition to facilitating mentor pair matches, WM2 provides optional training and resources to mentor pairs.

What Mentoring Looks Like

The scope of the mentoring relationship will be mutually determined by those in each pair; we suggest meeting at least one hour per month. Mentors and protégés outline their commitments to the relationship in the Mentor & Protégé Agreement. Though the commitment is relatively simple (approximately four hours per semester), we invite you to take the relationship seriously, prioritizing time together, and spending the time well. For both mentors and protégés, this means being purposeful about what you'd like to get out of the relationship, communicating, and planning together.

How Can I Get Involved?

You may sign up to be a mentor or protégé candidate for the program during our recruitment periods (spring for mentors, early fall for protégés). Note that graduate students may be either mentors or protégés.

2024 Timeline

  • October 5 Protege Interest Due
  • October 13 Mentor Interest Due
  • November 3 Mentorship Agreements Due
  • January Mentorship Reaffirmations Completed